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Urban Alliance releases 8 youth employment recommendations for more comm...
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Urban Alliance, a national youth development nonprofit, today released a white...
The 74: The Path of Opportunity, the Path of Despair: John King offers U...
Read the full article on The 74.
The Path of Opportunity, the Path of Despair: John King offers U...
Medill News Service: Former Education Secretary pushes for more student ...
Read the full article at Medill on the Hill.
Former education secretary pushes for more student h...
NAF Commentary in Investor’s Business Daily: How High Schoolers Ca...
Read the full op-ed in Investor\'s Business Daily.
How High Schoolers Can Boost American Business...
Urban Alliance expands High School Internship Program for underserved yo...
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Urban Alliance, a national youth development nonprofit, is expanding its flags...
Lauryn Hill, Baltimore 2017
Lauryn came to Urban Alliance with no desire to attend college. But while working with her mentor...
WMAR: Urban Alliance gets $160,000 grant for city youth financial educat...
Read the full story at WMAR\'s website.
Urban Alliance gets $160,000 grant for city youth financi...
Maryland Daily Record: Urban Alliance to help Baltimore youth with job t...
The Maryland Daily Record ran a story about the $160,000 grant Urban Alliance received from the C...
Prosperity Now Blog: Leveraging the Teachable Moments
Citi Foundation president Brandee McHale shared the logic behind their inaugural Pathways to Prog...
Urban Alliance awarded $160,000 Citi Foundation/Prosperity Now grant to ...
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Citi Foundation, in partnership with Prosperity Now, awarded youth workfor...
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