Meet Tracilyn Addo, 2023 Intern of the Year
Her internship was at Northern Trust in Chicago. Tracilyn is attending North Carolina A&T to major in marketing with sales concentration and a minor in international business.
Why is Urban Alliance important to you, or your community?
It has taught me that I am actually a big fan of teamwork. I never really found a passion working with a team. With Urban Alliance there is always a group project. It kept throwing me for a loop [but] I now realize how much I enjoy it and how much easier it is to get things done. [Everyone] has a different mindset, different creativity, and it just adds to a great finished project.
Based on your internship experience, what are some of the key strengths and skills you can bring to your next work experience?
Time management is one of the biggest assets I will bring into my next job. I have also gotten comfortable with networking.
What have you learned about yourself during your Urban Alliance experience that you did not know before?
Urban Alliance has been such an amazing experience especially from someone who has never had a job before getting a jumpstart. It speaks volumes of how great and helpful Urban Alliance is in preparing us at an early age for the big leagues and what the real world has to offer. Even as an alum, UA will still be with me.
The Urban Alliance Chicago High School Internship Program is a paid nine-month program for high school seniors that includes professional development training, paid internships, and mentoring.